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May 14 2009, 9:06 PM

I feel fat. I just got home from work and then dinner with J! Shes finally home and we went to continental to catch up. She coming to work on saturday, so obviously welll go out to dinner that day too bc our three hour convo today was just not sufficient. This week has gone by pretty slowly for my first week without school, but lets start from the top.

Last Wednesday I went to my friend Hs house to study french. hah, study. She lives in rittenhouse square so im obsessed with her house obviously. We had dinner and then spent the night with our other friend ST from french class. We mostly gossiped and ST gave me the low down on this guy i met at the post prom last week. bad history. That night the kid, lets call him Taffy, continued to text me all night. no, literally, all night. Anyway, Thursday was the night before Ks birthday! She had me, A, and two toehr friends to her house to have drinks and watch movies all night. We had fun and it was nice to finally just chill and hang out together. Friday was our official last day of school. We rolled in around 10am, went to some health lectures, drove around like maniacs, had pizza, and watched the senior video. Friday night we went to the Killers concert! K, me, B, BG, Bgs friend Go, and S went early to tailgate and then finally made it into the concert. B and BG got pretty messed up, and i think BG even barfed. The Killers were amazing though and luckily K and i had tickets up front. I wish A could have come but she had orchestra practice...ugh.

Saturday of course, i got up bright and early to go to work. I dont remember much about that day bc i was so tired, except that the last hour was spent talking to Romer. He came into the exhibit and just started being his usual, stupid, immature, annoying, insane, awesome, self and kept talking. whatever. On the way home that day i realzed in a nut shell what happened: I wanted to make our friendship better, and he didnt and doesnt give a shit. After talking to him for a while on saturday i forgot why we didnt work out as friends, or anything else. We got along so well, agreed about everything and everyone, joke, are sarcastic, maybe a little racist, laidback... but why do we have to be so personal at work? Most people i talk to at work just talk about work, or work related subjects, and if i do talk about personal stuff with someone, we hang out outside of work and are personal friends. Ive know Romer too long and when ,a long time ago, i suggested hanging out, he shut me down. I was depressed, yes, and stopped talking to him because i thought he didnt want to be friends. However, he continued to come talk to me at work about personal things, and ask personal questions, and joke, and tease me, and act as though were friends outside of work. I dont know why he did and does continue to do this but it makes me sad afterwards that we cant be friends at all outside of work, and its as though we never will be. Ive never had a problem making friends with someone before when i think we get along really well. Normally when i talk to someone from work or school a lot, we get a mutual idea that we should hang out or be friends outside of work/school. With Romer, i thought it was the case, but for some reason he only ever has time for me at work. Even communicating, messaging, texting, etc, i have to contact him everytime. Sure he will respond for hours but he never thinks to contact me ever and it hurts. On saturday he changed subjects and said, \'so i guess one of us should get outta this place soon. We cant both work here anymore haha.\' Alright, so obviously hes kidding, but for a while i seriously thought maybe he wouldnt consider going out or being good friends because we work together. To be friends, etc, does one of us really have to quit our job? I always over analyze but later he asked me why hes a jerk. I always respond with youre fine, youre not a jerk, stop. I wish it would stop. but i dont. I have no clue whats wrong with this whole thing. I understand how he might not want to be better friends with me, even though i thought we might agree on that if i thought it would work, but then why does he keep making personal conversation? He just makes you feel like youre friends and then when youre almost at the comfy point, he shuts you down, or leaves you stranded.

Sunday was the first sunday without our usual manager. Hes back at the zoo. K was there, my fav manager, shes really nice. It was pretty boring because the black exhibit is gone but its much better. Im also working mondays and thrusdays now. D, my friend that works sundays and mondays is hilarious. She went to a heayv metal concert on saturday night with some friends from highschool, one of which she hadnt seen for six years. He professed his love for her, wasted of course, at the concert, and said he only went on their highschool French trip bc she went. Theyre now hanging out. She also has a commie tatoo on the top of her back thats pretty badass. The ship man also works mondays, hes 28 but hilarious and naturally high. I met a new worked on mondays, pretty boy, whos hot and pretty funny, but kinda way immature too for a 23 year old. M and J are still going out...gross. Other than working ive been interning at my other museum this week. They had me giving surbeys, collecting data, and just staffing exhibits.

I havnt heard from Z since last week. Actually she texted me randomly two days ago but whatever. Basically right now im just talking to B, A, K, Taffy ehh, and J of course. oh, and pretending that Romer talks to me. I have really bad allergies and i need to sleep early, not that i do anything anyway. Romer has off all week and when he told me that i just wanted to say \'Then why dont you ask to hang out??\' but he would rather be home playing video games or watching scarlett johansen...

but on a happy note tomorrow Friday and i just have my last AP and im home free! Then its the weekend and ill get to hangout with J! Ciao for now! 


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