...in somebody elses sky, but why cant it be mine (go back »)

May 21 2009, 8:34 PM

Life is good, i cant complain. This week i have basically been working at my senior externship and working, working. Ive been so tired lately just dealing with life though. If its not one thing its something else.

Saturday and Sunday really teased me. I talked to Romer so much and sort of became re-trapped. When he talks to me, he makes me feel like were the only ones that think the same way. make sense? no, but its just this thing that clicks when im around him and we sort of ignor everything else going on. We talked a bunch of night this week too, partly because yesterday was my birhtday, but its like he wants to talk to me. maybe hes bored. i really need to chill out and kind of write it off though, or atleast try to forget about it. i know that hes not looking for any kind of relationship right now, he likes being a stupid little kid and going home and playing video games by himself. He also has a lot of other girl friends. The minute i feel like im \'special\' (how gay), i come home and realize how many other girl friends he has and how much he actually doesnt care and would never hang out with me.

Im so tired i cant write anymore, i feel like my life is just heavy, even though i just got so much amazing stuff for my birthday, and i have absolutely nothing to be upset about.



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