priceless. (go back »)

June 8 2009, 9:25 PM

Long time, no write. I just realized that this blog is now over a year old! Im glad i kept it pretty religiously so far, its a cool feeling to have somewhere you have all your memories. Not all of them in detail, but ones that stuck out and some details that popped into my head at the time. I graduated on Thursday so im finally a college freshman, and 18. Nothing has changed, but give it time, i know something will. Ive just been working for the last few weeks besides graduation stuff. Works been fun, and tiring, and draining. I like working during the week now though too because i get to talk to other funny people, and my paycheck starts with a 5 instead of a 2. I chat with D a lot and weve become pretty tight. Shes cool, and hopefully she will get the full time job soon. Virginio&ship, lets call them, also work during the week and theyre kind of hilarious. Ship is quirky and a little annoying sometimes, and M is adorable and funny. Virginio speaks german and translated my last name today for embarrassing. I really want to learn german though and after ireland i want germany to be my next trip i think. Romer also works during the week now too, unfortunately. Last week i organized a Phils game for everyone that works saturdays to go to. The saturday staff is really cute and were all close, so i decide id just get 8 tickets for us and we would go after work. Everyone was excited, and Romer told me he would go about 2 weeks ago, and thats when we started really talking again, just because, and of course i got re-immersed. The day before the game he texts me and says he wants to back out. I dont remember exactly how the convo went but i made him feel pretty crappy because i was so upset that he really doesnt give a shit about me, but then i realized i needed to be above that and i told him to just have a good time doing whatever he wants. The day of at work i tried to persuade him to go, but he shook it off and ended up not going. I dont know why. Maybe because he thought we were all freaks outside work, maybe afraid to be friends, maybe he was embarrassed to go out with us and afraid to have other people find out. I was angry at him, and myself for a while, but it made me realize that the friends that do care about me are amazing, and i had fun with them. I also went to the Phils with S and my roommate K(who i lovee) during senior projects. But anyway, i sort of stopped talking to Romer after that. He did message me the day after and asked how it went, i said great, and told him he should be more social. He said he is, just not with work people and hes okay with people hating him. We sort of got in a fight over facebook chat, as gay as that sounds. I cant figure out why is he messaging me and talking to me outside of work? whatever. We have these gaps after a blow out for some reason always, and atleast now i know he doesnt care. but didnt i already know? Ive been hanging out with J a lot since shes come home from school. We went to paint pottery again last week and caught up, and then dinner after work on saturday with Nancy. This week were going to No Doubt concert, which im so, so, so excited for and next week is beach week! Were planning a trip to ireland for winter break so we can spend new years there...and thats where my summer money will be going. Well, a lot of it. Taffy has exited stage left, and i dont know if hell make another appearance or not. I havent talked to him for close to a week, and for reasons i dont even need to list i know he was never worth it, and not going to be. School friends wise were still hanging out a lot because of grad parties. A, K, R, and i are still best friends. Im so happy R is going to Penn and our rooms are both in the quad and so close! Z still isolates herself with her bf, which i dot understand. Im kind of glad she taught me how a relationship can ruin so much in your life, but i feel sorry for her at the same time. I know i cant be in her position. I almost want to thank her for showing me that, even though i miss the way she was and i wish she could take it back more than anything. It made my trust issues even worse, and im afraid of getting to into any seriously relationship because if anything did happen with my girlfriends, i would feel awful and id never forgive myself for falling into the trap that she fell into. In other news, B is off the grid, she was supposed to move to SC but is now possibly just living alone in haverford? I feel like B will always have a question mark close to her in my entries. Graduation was so much fun though, and hopefully i can stay close with most of them, and R will be at penn so that makes me feel better. Mostly, besides that details, lately ive been thinking about long term, and the reality of school in the fall. Ive been having second thoughts about engineering school and i talked to D and J about it and D, as someone whos gone through college and grad school, said that ill be fine and if i want to do languages i can always switch over by sophomore year or both will be fine. J said to take all languages as my electives and i can always minor in langs with my systems and do a year abroad. I still like the systems and i feel like if i can get through the undergrad engineering i can do anything, and i really want to make it through, while enjoying school and learning as many languages as i can travel and work in europe. but well see. The same thing happened to D because she went to college originally for bio and then ended up with a degree in museum studies. I love my friends. Alright, ciao for now! Summers here!!!


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