wonderful life (go back »)

June 14 2009, 11:04 PM

Great week! that's it... just kidding, ill explain. First of all, thursday was the long awaited No Doubt concert. I absolutely love gwen stefani, her clothes line, and obviously No Doubt. I went with K nd J two hours early and we secured our second row spots in the pit. After waiting almost forever, we finally saw the sounds, then paramore-- when the 13 year olds behind us screamed lyrics for 11 straight songs, and then NO DOUBT. They played every amazing song and it was probably hands down the best concert ive ever been to. At the end, after the crazy encore, Gwen came down to the pit and signed my program!..and that was hands down best moment of my life. well, maybe... definitely in the top 10. You might be laughing, whatever, it was life changing. The rest of the week has been full of grad parties, including my own, which was fun. All my best girl friends stayed over and we played guitar hero into the AM and had some cool new drinks. Finally, yesterday at work i started talking to Romer again for some reason. Last night we talked on messenger literally from the time i left work until 12am. Long story short, we are going to the Blink concert in august! Backing up-- important details-- he offered to buy both tickets, and said hes genuinely excited. just had to mention that. I was with my friends R and S at an awkward graduation party while i was having the convo, and i filled them in obivously. R says hes playing with my emotions again and i need to detach myself. I think hes trying to make up for not going to the game in May, but i dont know. I told him that im afraid to say ill go because he might back out and hurt my feelings, but he promised and said he would definitely go if it was just us. I guess i trust him enough, but i still dont really know how he thinks of me. Ive been having fun hanging out with work friends. This weekend were having a party at my friends house, and tomorrow im going to the shore with J for a few days. B created ridiculous drama last night before the grad party, not to mention she should be in SC... no, shes living in her own apartment in haverford. who knew?! anyway, im looking forward to a few relxing days at the shore with J, planning our new years dublin adventure and venting about life. Tomorrow is the last monday with the usual monday staff because they cut our days again for summer. ugh, that place. hopefully D will find out about the fulltime job tomorrow. ciao for now!!!


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